
Student Awards

Nominations may only be made by current CSA members.

Thank you for nominating a student for the CSA student awards, please complete the Student Award Forms and attach it with one or more letters of support from other faculty members. The support letter(s) should be on school letterhead. Email the completed form and letter(s) to Alicia Gonzalez

The student award forms are below.



The CSA has three awards for outstanding students.

The Outstanding Community College Student Award is designed to honor a current California Community
College student (or one who graduated last school year) who has completed 9 units of sociology with a GPA of at
least 3.0 and has earned distinction in scholarship and or in service to school, community, or the CSA.

The Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award is designed to honor a current California undergraduate
student (or one who graduated last school year) who has completed 9 units of sociology with a GPA of at least 3.0
and has earned distinction in scholarship and or in service to school, community, or the CSA.

The Elizabeth and Edward Nelson Graduate Student Award is designed to honor a current graduate student enrolled in a
California college or university graduate program (or one who graduated last school year). The student should be
enrolled in (or have completed within the past year) a course of graduate study in sociology completing 20
graduate units of sociology with a GPA of at least 3.5 and has earned distinction in outstanding scholarship and or
outstanding service to the school, community, or the CSA.

This year for the first time, we have added a doctoral student award.  See the form above for detail.


The CSA president, president elect, and the two vice presidents form the student-awards committee.