Past Meetings

Past Meetings



YearCityTheme and Keynote Speaker
1990CarsonSociologists in California’s Future
Earl Babbie, Chapman University
1991OaklandNew Ways of Examining Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in California
Walter Allen, UC Los Angeles
1992San DiegoThe Cutting Edge: Sociology & Technology in California
Troy Duster, UC Los Angeles
1993BerkeleyRe-building California: The Role of Sociology in Reconstructing the StateAnn Swidler, UC Berkeley
1994Long BeachCalifornia Disasters: Natural, Economic, Social
Ruben Rumbaut, Michigan State University
1995San FranciscoCalifornia’s Information Highway 2000: Gridlock or Easy Access?
David Nasatir, CSU Dominguez Hills & UC Berkeley
1996San DiegoSociology Making a Difference: Public Policy & Practice
Jonathan H. Turner, UC Riverside,“Must Sociological Theory & Practice be So Far Apart”
1997SacramentoInsecurity in Contemporary Society: Perception & Reality
John Vasconcellos, “California Social Problems and Higher Education”
Robert Gurian, “The Legislature and California Higher Education”
1998RiversideHas Sociology Made the World Better?
Richard Flacks, “Has Sociology Made the World Better?”
Panel–Gordon Clanton, Earl Babbie, Jonathan Turner, Shoon Lio, Robin Franck, “How Can We Improve the Teaching of Sociology?”
1999BerkeleyWork & Leisure in the New Millennium
Robert Bellah, “Public Life in a Privatized Society”Scott Coltrane, “Gender, Work, & Families”
2000RiversideThe Uses of Sociology
G. William Domhoff, “The Uses of Sociology”
Panel–Harvey Rich, Steven Brint, Mark Drummond, Phillip Glotzback, Scott McNall, David Warren, “Facing Higher Education in the 21st Century”
2001SacramentoSociology For the New Century
Dan Walters, “The Interaction of Demographics Trends with California’s Economics and Politics”
Panel—Gordon Clanton, Diane Beeson, Susan Garfin, Shoon Lio, “9/11/01 Attack and Aftermath: Sociological Perspectives”
2002RiversideThe Challenges to Social Justice and Diversity in a Changing World
Ruben G. Rumbaut, UC Irvine, “The Melting and the Pot: Variety and Assimilation in American Life”
2003BerkeleyUsing the Sociological Imagination
Barrie Throne, UC Berkeley, “Unpacking School Lunches: The Changing Contours of Childhood in Urban California”
Neil Smelser, UC Berkeley, “Cultural Dimensions of 9/11: Issues of Trauma and Revenge”
2004RiversideThe Relevance of Sociology
Tom Hayden, Former California State Senator and Assemblyman, “Empire, Democracy, and the Role of Public Intellectuals”
Michael Messner, University of Southern California, “Masculinities, Femininities and the Governator”
2005SacramentoCalifornia Faultlines
Michael Burawoy, “Public Sociology”
2006RiversideDreaming California: The Myth, the Image, and the Possibilities of California
Robert Scheer, “War and Poverty in California”
2007BerkeleyBuilding Communities: Local &Global Landscapes
Charles Hohm, “Improving Sociology’s Standing in the Academy”
2008RiversideApplying Sociology to Societal Issues
Daniel Yankalovich, UC San Diego “ The New Pragmatism: Coping with America’s Overwhelming Problems”
2009BerkeleyThe Next Generation
Peter Phillips, Sonoma State University, “Truth, Emergency and Public Sociology: How Colleges and Universities Can Support Media Democracy”
2010RiversideSociology in a Time of Crisis
Peter Skerry, Boston College, “How Muslims Are Becoming Americans”
2011BerkeleyCalifornia and the World
Christopher Chase-Dunn, UC Riverside, “World-systems in California and California in the Modern World-System”
2012RiversideCalifornia’s Regional Diversity
Roger Waldinger, UCLA, “Cross Boundaries: International Migration in the New Century”
2013BerkeleySocial Change: Local and Global
John W. Meyer, Sanford University, “The Worldwide Cultural Reconstructions of Local Identities”
2014RiversideSocial Responsibility
Jane Prather, CSU Northridge, “Lessons Learned in Prison: The Urgency of Prison Reform”
2015 SacramentoSocial Realities, Social Change: The Importance of Global Context
Bill Robinson, UC Santa Barbara, “Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity”
 2016 Riverside Global and Local Change
Mark Juergensmeyer, UC Santa Barbara, “International Terrorism”
 2017 SacramentoA Legacy of Sociology
G. William Domhoff, UC Santa Cruz, “’Who Rules America’ and Power Structure Research: Legacies of the Sixties? Or Relics?”
 2018 RiversideInequality and Social Justice in the Contemporary Era
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, USC,
“Racies y Raza / Roots and Race: Latino Immigrant Home-making in L.A.’s Historically Black Neighborhoods.”
2019 SacramentoBetween the Nexus of Social Control and Social Resistance

Victor Rios, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Race, Resistance, and the Criminalization and Social Control of Black and Latino Youth”

2020 onlineTranscending Borders: Disrupting Racial, National, and Spatial Borders

Dr. Leisy Abrego, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, UCLA, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, “Communists, Criminals, and Caravans: The Social Construction of Central Americans as Crisis”

2021 online“Radical Sociology: Challenging Multiple Pandemics”

William I. Robinson, UCSB
2022 online

Community Cultural Wealth

Dr. Tara Yosso, UC Riverside, “Reclaiming Our Past with a Community Cultural Wealth Approach: Research and Praxis”
2023SacramentoAcademia and Praxis: The Labor and Obligations of Creating a More Just World

Dr. Melina Abdullah, “Why Academia is Afraid of Black Studies”

Program Link.

2024 PomonaTBD